We are so happy & grateful ,to announce the second visit , of Swami Maheshananda Saraswati in our Yoga studio for the following topics and dates. Workshops apply only for members their friends and family.
Friday December 17th 2010 , 9.30am -12.30 pm,
Integrating the key practices of Yoga for Personal Health, Growth and development of the Personality.
This session will include Asana, Pranayama, mudras, bandhas, pratyahara and meditation derived from Hatha, Raja, Mantra , Kundalini Yogas.
Friday December 17th 2010, 17.30 pm -20.30pm
Consciousness and Mind as explained in Yoga and Tantra
Yoga and tantra speak of the Four States of Consciousness and Five planes of Mind. Generally we dont't really think about all these, however an awareness and also experience of these States and Planes help us better manage our Life and connect to our own creative potentials and also the joy of life. Participation in this interactive session which will also combine a meditation practice to understand the topic better through experience.
Saturday December 18th 2010, 9.30am-12.30pm
Yoga for Inner Awakening
An integrated approach of yoga incorporating Asana , Pranayama, Relaxation , Meditation, Mantras, Chakras, for Inner Awakening of our Potentials and Life Force.
Saturday December 18th 2010, 17.30-20.30 Chakra Dharana , Experience the Deeper Dimensions of Yoga
In this session you will be learning how to integrate chakra , mantra and breath in meditation practices for connecting with the evolutionary energy.
The study of the yogic and tantric concepts of the chakra system are a must for any sencere aspirant of Yoga, but also for all those who aspire to total health of the personality, or are interested in the exploration of the nature of the relationship of the body and mind. Practices involving the chakra system allow us access to different levels of our own consciousness and help to maintain optimal health, higher awareness, and perfect dynamic balance, with the forces of both external and internal nature.In the subtle network of the chakras dwells the power to transform our ordinary consciousness where everything is experienced as an expression
of the Divine consciousness and the world becomes a field of blissful creative expression.
Swami Maheshananda will present a memorable session looking at the different dimensions and aspects of the chakra system, where practices include Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara , and Dharana ( concentration ).
Sunday December 19th 2010, Workshop meets in two sessions 9.30am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-4.00 pm
Hamsa Dhyana Practices
Hamsa Dhyana is an advanced meditation practice derived from the Tantra. Tantra is a spiritual science which provides a unique perspective on life, its processes and purpose. It offers practical techniques that accelerate the process of human evolution and can be practiced by both men and women of every temperament and spiritual level.It aims at turning every action of life into an act of celebration and expression of the Divine, and connects the material and spiritual aspects of life.
The practice of Hamsa Dhyana works with the fundamental sound vibrations of the Cosmos, experienced as mantras. Mantra is a group of words that are considered capable of creating transformation through the expansion of individual consciousness. Through Mantra we can become attuned to the "flow and rhythm " of the Cosmos, leading to the experience of oneness with the entire Cosmos. At a grosser level Hamsa Dhyana leads to a better body & mind, coordination and control, reduction of stress, and improved mental clarity and focus. The practice has a deeply harmonizing effect. In Sanskrit language Hamsa means " swan " , and represents the quality of peace , harmony , beauty and the ability to discriminate.
The practice includes breathing , mantra, learning about the chakras ( energy votices within the body ), and advanced visualization . A major part of the practical session will be devoted to prepare for this amazing meditation practice.
Please bring a light snack and water for the one hour break.
Wednesday 22nd 2010
There will be either another Hamsa Dhyana Meditation practice , same hours as the above or two sessions, a morning one Yoga for kids age 5-12 and an afternoon, Yoga for teenagers 12-17 years old, according to the needs of participant students of the studio. More details on Wednesday sessions as dates come closer.

Swami Maheshanada Saraswati is a wandering Yogi. He has studied and taught at Bihar Yoga Bharati, the first University of Yoga in the world. Since 1994 he has taught the philosophical and practical aspects of Yoga and tantra and served as a Lecturer in the Yoga Philosophy Dept from 1998 to 2005.
Swami Mahesh travels and conducts programms across the globe and has also experimented with advanced yoga practices in Himalayas and Tibet for the last three years . I was priviledged to have joined him earlier on this year in both Muktinath and Kailash Yatras( see pictures above). He is credited to be the first Yoga teacher in the world to conuct a yoga workshop for Everest Climbers at the Everest base camp in Nepal at the altitude of 18.000ft.
Through his personal experience, scientific training, and temperament,Swami Maheshananda has the ability to present some of the most profound yogic concepts, with clarity and openness, providing perspectives that are both unique and refreshing.
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