24 Νοεμβρίου, 2014

Just keep on practicing and the practice will take you there !

As the year is nearly coming to a close  , I am reflecting back on the whole 2014, and oh yes it has been some fast ride with plenty of challenging waves , but where there is a will there is a way . Our paths crossed with so many new people , through the topic of Yoga  and as  we got to work together , me sharing my experience and knowledge and them been sincere seekers , it has given  me so much joy and motivation to keep on teaching as i receive the feedback that the practices and the yogic philosophy , combined with the lifestyle that i am inspiring them to  adapt , has been a tremendous help to make realizations and face and sort out  all challenges from a different perspective.
And I  am ever so happy to let you know that my Yantra Yoga teacher Laura Evangelisti , has allowed me to get a supervision and after that to be examined by my master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu , in late January 2015 , to become an authorized Yantra Yoga teacher.
In the meantime I am teaching all week round all levels of Satyananda Yoga that I am a Diploma Holder .
Sending you all my best wishes , and inspiring you to keep on practicing with Faith and Respect and allow with trust the practices to take each and every one of you where you are meant to be .
Until i speak to you again Be  PRESENT and Work with Circumstances.
Lots of Love