Still in bliss after my two week stay In Dzamling Gar, in Tenerife, near our Master Chogyal Namkai Norbu, and my beloved Yantra Yoga teacher Laura Evangelisti. I taught for 5 days An Open course for beginners, and after i succeeded my supervision by Laura , I presented together with other candidates Yantra Yoga to our master and I finally got by Rinpoche the authorization to teach Yantra Yoga level 1.
After Easter we start a new group on Tuesdays and Wednesdays here in Porto rafti and soon will be conducting Open courses throughout Greece.
Teachers with studios that want their students to learn this ancient method of yoga , contact me in 0030 6987986403.
Also Rinpoche will be giving a retreat in Greece May 27th-31st in Glyfada , contact me for more info.
After the retreat on June 2nd and 3rd, my teacher Laura Evangelisti will be giving a two day workshop on kumbhaka and 3rd series of Yantras.
Life is such beautiful journey as long as we collaborate with each other keeping faith and trust to the path.
Lots of love Lilian