" When fat or mucus is excessive, the Shatkarmas or six cleansing techniques should be practiced before(pranayama).Others in whom the doshas (ie.phlegm, wind, bile) are balanced need not do them." Hatha Yoga Pradipika (2.21)
NASAL CLEANSING : THIS TECHNIQUE IS A PROCESS OF CLEANSING THE NASAL PASSAGES WITH SALTY WATER . It allows a free flow of air through the nostrils and elilminates the nasal congestion from colds , hay fever and sinusitis. It has benefits on eyes , ears and throat conditions and its a first aid for headaches, insomnia and tiredness.
STOMACH WASH ( KUNJAL KRIYA) : THIS TECHNIQUE IS A PROCESS OF CLEANING THE UPPER DIGESTIVE SYSTEM WITH SALTY WATER . It helps eradicate bad breath , headaches,accumulated phlegm , sore throats and is an important practice for asthmatics. Many people experience an upset stomach like indigestion, nausea, vomiting or ulcers, which are caused from impure food , fat food or from stress and emotional upsets.. the practice of kunjal kriya washes out all impurities and reduces the acidity that aggravates ulcers. It also gives a great relief from anger and depression .
INTESTINAL WASH; THIS TECHNIQUE CLEANSES THE WHOLE DIGESTIVE TRACT.It removes toxins from the tract and brings benefit to our whole being. relieves acidity, gas and indigestion, kidneys are flashed out too.
Remember we are the outcome what we breath, eat, drink , and think !! Living a simple yogic lifestyle and practicing keeps u healthy on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and energy.
Shatkarmas are practiced in the studio regularly every Saturday early morning , come with an empty stomach and leave with a big smile and high energy !!!!