Hello everyone and wish us all a prosperous new term !
My weekly yoga classes begin again with different classes for this term.
Tuesday and Thursday at 19.30 till 21.00 will carry on the holistic yoga classes for all levels which include healing asanas , breathing practices and different meditation practices , from yoga nidra to body stillness to mindfulness meditations , nada yoga and much more.
Monday and Wednesday at 18.00 till 19.30 will be teaching Yantra Yoga the Tibetan Yoga of movement , which together with Tammi Rori we are the only authorized teachers in Greece , for more info check on www.yantrayoga.org
As you all know since last October i am collaborating closely with Dr Nida Chenagtsang,
and study Tibetan Medicine and I am very happy to announce that we will conduct the first Seminar mid April , more info will come out soon.
Please check my pages on Facebook Yoga for Every Body in Porto Rafti and Sorig Khang Greece for more updates.
My teachings since 2006 ( scroll back to my previous posts ) have the main focus on healing , to be able to learn and apply different techniques in our every day life, so we can benefit of maximum health mentally physically and emotionally and enjoy life which is our birthright !
This year I will be also collaborating with different yoga centers in the centre of Athens giving workshops on both Holistic and mainly Yantra Yoga , The Tibetan Yoga of Movement, so keep getting updated by visiting the page often .
See you all soon on the mats
Lots of love